5:42 PM

Hang in There!

I was always fascinated by people's ability to give life and humanizing features to objects. Many girls prefer to sleep with some stuffed animal friend and continue to do so even past their 20s. As we become older the things we get attached to are growing with us as well. Now we are getting attached to more abstract things like songs, cars, businesses or maybe shopping… I know, shopping is an addiction to be fair.
It's really sad because instead of attaching ourselves to other human being we prefer to do this with lifeless objects. This mostly happens because we really don’t trust other people that much and we fear that we might get our heart broken, which could never happen with an object. Every time someone hurts us emotionally we find comfort in our favorite song, hug our favorite stuffed animal or play with our pet. It's too bad people can't seem to trust each other and I don't blame technology for this, it's true that our lifestyle changes extremely fast and we have little time to spend with ourselves and with friends and also make friends.
Most of us get satisfied with having online friends which is not really a good thing because as you know on the internet we can all seem who we want to. I often wonder if way back in the past, the human relationships were much 'real' than today?
My advice would be: try to trust people more, don't be so judgmental and try to know a person better before you judge him or her. Believe me, you can find your soul mate in the strangest places!

5:40 AM

Daily Quote no 10

"There is no way to prosperity, prosperity is the way!"

7:57 PM

Enjoy the silence in Chaos

In Chaos we empty into creativity and possibility; we release control; we surrender, dissolving opposites and contradictions. Chaos is the realm of nature and the intuitive mind. We dance below the surface, letting go of thinking, agendas, and plans to free our real impulses and our spontaneity.
Chaos invites us to stop trying to hold everything together. It teaches us to be in the unknown thoroughly enjoying the ride, moving through bodies and hearts and into creative projects, true relationships, and artful, original lives.

7:59 AM

Daily Quote no 9

"The best way to escape from your problem is to solve it!"

8:54 AM

Daily Quote no 8

"The more creative you are, the more godly you become!"

5:51 PM

Sadness... you again???

Where the hell did you come from... again?? Are you kidding me man? I just took a pill to get rid of you!
Yeah, I know... we are all sad at some point of our life, but where does this creature come from and where is it going? Do you feel it now? Try to channel it and identify its root or roots. Can you get there? Most of us feel that they have to make a detour when we reach the sadness' roots. We dont like to feel this and ignorance is bliss. But this only works temporary and at some point in your life when your happiness fades away, you will feel this bitch again... yes, the sadness!
Are you really happy or are you really sad? Or maybe both? Let me ask you something else... what is happiness for you? Most people cant answer this question and in the end they get themselves into the point of maximum tension and snap.
Try to analyze yourself and identify the happiness and then hang onto it! Don't let go and live your every moment as it was part of your future cause now is then and today is already the yesterday of tomorrow!
And don't forget... PILLS ARE NOT THE ANSWER!!!!

11:57 AM

Daily Quote no 7

"We fear the thing we want the most."

1:25 PM

Is This All a Dream?

Wake up! Wake up! Damn… this doesn't seem to work. Maybe if I get to sleep then I will wake up… or maybe not.
Confusing isn't it? Yeah this is life so you better get use to it… when something is to good to be true, most of the times you are dreaming. Maybe right now while you're reading this article you are dreaming. Are you sure you're awake? How can you be sure? Pinching doesn't always work you know. I suggest you live everyday like your life it's a dream and keep in mind that in a dream everything is possible so try everything… well, except flying without an airplane or other air vehicles.

Live life like it's a Lucid Dream!

9:16 AM

Daily Quote no 6

"You were placed on this earth to create, not to compete!"